Chickpea Curry with Cauliflower

Cauliflower and Chickpea Curry | http://naturallyella.comRecipe first published on February 25th, 2013. Last updated on September 6th, 2015.

Curry Spices |

I have a rather large stockpile of spices in my cupboard ranging from individual spices to spice blends purchased whenever I’m in range of a good spice shop. When I find a spice shop, I tend to stock up on the different curry blends, rubs, and random blends that sound delicious. I then, of course, attempt to recreate them at home.

This spice blend is based on a salt-free Indian curry powder that I picked up a bit ago and I was beginning to run low. So, I took to my kitchen and did my best to recreate the flavor. While it’s not exactly the same flavor, it’s still super delicious (and in a way, a bit more flavorful since I was able to grind a few of my own spices at home).

Cauliflower Chickpea Curry |
Ground Curry Powder

I think one of the keys to eating a lot of vegetables and having a primarily vegetarian/vegan diet is being able to spice meals up. I love cauliflower by itself but the adding a bit of spice can transform it into something completely different (and slightly magical). It transcends the meal from “oh this vegan” or “oh this is gluten-free” to “Oh, this is delicious.”

Chickpea Curry with Cauliflower |

The list of spices here might be a bit intimidating but I assure you that a simple trip to your local health food store (or who ever stocks good, quality spices around you) will help you find what you need. Of course, if you do a quick google search you will find many other curry powders that have far fewer spices. Play around a bit and find a combination you love!

The blend below makes more than you will need. Simply store it in a airtight spice jar for later use in a similar meal.

See the Recipe.

The post Chickpea Curry with Cauliflower appeared first on Naturally Ella.

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